Privacy Policy

Dear user,

We are pleased that you are interested in the protection of your personal data. We would like to provide you with a clear overview of our processes for the protection of your personal data.

Our goal is to offer you an excellent experience based on trust, transparency, and honesty. Your trust in our services is the reason we can provide you with an outstanding experience. We would like to thank you for this trust.

Who we are

We are Beego. You can always contact us through the following methods:

Kallithea 215, Rhodes, 85100, Greek Phone: 00306958417655 Email: [email protected]

By visiting our website, registering, or purchasing tickets, you agree to this privacy policy.

As data controllers, we determine how we process your personal data, the purposes, and the means. It is our legal obligation to provide you with all the information below, but we do it because we believe that a commercial relationship should be based on honesty.

As data controllers, we are responsible for ensuring that all processing activities comply with legal requirements and meet your reasonable expectations for the processing of your personal data.

If you have any questions about the protection of your personal data at beego, you can also contact our data protection officer at any time at the email address: [email protected].

We have a common data protection officer as we are part of the large and exciting Black Sheep Studio family.

Privacy is your right. You have the choice.

As a user, you have the choice of what information you want to share with us. Of course, we need some information to fulfill our contract. However, this does not always require all the data you can provide.

You can follow the steps below to limit the information you provide to us:


You can install additional add-ons in your browser that block unnecessary cookies. This will not allow you to see ads based on your interests. For more information about cookies, click here.


If you do not want to receive promotional communication from us, you can unsubscribe at any time. In this case, we will not be able to send you exciting offers.

No data sharing:

If you do not want to share any information with us at all, it is a pity. In this case, we will not be able to convince you of how wonderful our services are.

You can also exercise the following rights at any time: Right of access:

You have the right to be informed about the data we store about you and how we process it.

Right to rectification:

If you notice that the stored data is incorrect, you can always ask us to correct it.

Right to erasure:

You can ask us at any time to delete the data we have stored about you.

Right to restriction of processing:

If you do not want us to delete your data but also do not want us to process it further, you can ask us to limit the processing of your personal data. In this case, we will archive your data again in our systems only if you wish. However, during this period, you will not be able to use our services. If you decide to use our services again, we will process your data again.

Right to data portability:

You can ask us to send your stored personal data to you or another data controller in a machine-readable format. In this context, the data will be provided to you in JSON format.

Right to object to data processing:

You can withdraw your consent at any time or object to further processing of your data. This also includes objecting to processing that we do without your consent but based on our legitimate interest, such as direct marketing. You can object to receiving promotional communication in the future at any time.

If you do not agree with one of the processing purposes based on our legitimate interest or you want to object to it, you can express objections to the processing at any time. Send an email to [email protected]. In this case, we will review your request and decide on a case-by-case basis.

Automated decision-making

We also process your personal data within the framework of algorithms to simplify our processes. Of course, you have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing. If you believe that we have unjustifiably denied you access, you can always contact us at [email protected]. In this case, we will review your request and decide on a case-by-case basis.

Right to complain

If you believe that we have made a mistake with your personal data or your rights, you can file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority at any time.

To exercise your rights, you can contact us at [email protected] at any time. You can also delete your account, correct any invalid data, and object to receiving informational emails through the "Personal Data" page on our website.

Requests to exercise the above rights are completed within 30 days and are provided free of charge.

Data We Process:

1. Contact Information

● Includes name, address, phone number, email address, and social media ID.

● Purpose: Collected when you contact us to identify and assist you.

2. Location Data

● Includes address, postal code, city, and country.

● Purpose: Needed to display content relevant to your location.

3. Profile Data (Basic)

● Includes name, email address, password, and phone number.

● Purpose: Essential for creating and using your profile.

4. Device Information and Access Data

● Includes device ID, operating system, version, access time, and IP address.

● Purpose: Stored for technical reasons and to detect suspicious behavior.

5. Purchase Information

● Includes purchase history, selected events, invoices, purchase ID, comments on purchases, payment method, and successful order details.

● Purpose: Added to your profile with each ticket purchase for your reference and service improvement.

6. Communication Data

● Includes name, email address, phone number, and device ID.

● Purpose: Used for informational communication or notifications within our application.

7. Payment Information

● Includes payment method and pseudonymized credit/debit card information.

● Purpose: Needed to monitor payment progress and match with registered purchases.

8. Identity Information

● Requested when creating a public event, includes your identification number.

● Purpose: Ensures the legitimacy of the event creator, preventing fraudulent activities.

Note: We prioritize transparency and trust with our users by ensuring a clear and legitimate environment for public events. We anonymize this information upon request or if your profile becomes inactive while continuing to use it in an anonymous format for service improvement.

"For what purposes do we process your data?

We process your personal data strictly and only in accordance with legal requirements. We pay particular attention to considering all principles for the processing of personal data. The beego team places great emphasis on transparency. Therefore, we process your data only if it is legal and if you reasonably expect that your personal data will be processed. If, during the assessment, we conclude that the processing is not reasonably expected, we will carry out the processing only with your explicit consent.

Account creation, registration through the single access system, management of your profile

In order to provide you with our services, the processing of your personal data is necessary. A significant portion of the data transferred to us is collected automatically when you use our platform. Nevertheless, we strive to maintain the smallest possible volume of data. You can assist us by providing only the necessary data needed to fulfill our contractual obligations.

Account creation

When creating a user account, you will be asked to enter your basic data. This is absolutely necessary, as we cannot create a user profile without this data. Your email address and phone number are particularly important data, as we may use them the next time you log in. Additionally, we would like to ask you to carefully choose your password. Do not use the same password on multiple websites, and follow the policy we have defined. Finally, in the case of creating a public event, you will need to present your identification number.

Creating a Professional Account

If you wish to sell tickets, you will need to issue a corresponding invoice for our services. To complete this process, you will need to share the following information with us:

● Company Name

● VAT Number

● Tax Office

● Company Postal Code

● Region

● Country

● Company Phone

● Email

The above information is necessary only for the creation of a professional account and ticket sales, and is used for the issuance of invoices.

Categories of personal data:

● Profile data (basic data)

● Device information and access data Legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation, contract performance


If you already have a user account, you will need to enter your email address and password to log in.

Categories of personal data:

● Profile data (basic data) Legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation, contract execution Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, legitimate interest for security measures

Registration through the Facebook single access system

If you have a Facebook profile, you can register on our website using the 'Continue with Facebook' option from the Facebook social network managed by Meta Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin, Ireland ("Meta"), ("Facebook"), within the framework of the so-called Single Sign-On technology. You can recognize the 'Continue with Facebook' option on our website by the distinctive Facebook logo and the label 'Continue with Facebook.'

By using the 'Continue with Facebook' button on our website, you can also log in or register on our website using your Facebook account user data. We will access the general and publicly available information stored in your profile only if you give your explicit consent in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation before the registration process based on a corresponding note regarding the data exchange with Facebook.

You can learn more about data sharing with Facebook when connecting to our service with Facebook by referring to Facebook's explanations here: [Facebook Privacy Explanation Link].

Categories of personal data:

● Profile data (basic data)

● Contact data

● Profile information on Facebook Legal basis: Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation, Consent"

ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.

Registration via Apple Unified Access System

If you have an account with Apple, you can use this account to log in to our service. Apple accounts for European users are provided by Apple Computer Limited, Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Cork, Ireland ("Apple Ireland"), a subsidiary of Apple Inc., One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA 95014, United States.

By using the button with the distinctive Apple logo and the inscription "Continue with Apple" on our website, you can log in or register on our website using your Apple user data. Only if you give your explicit consent in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR before the registration process, based on a corresponding note regarding the data exchange with Apple, will we receive your Apple user ID, username, and email address. We will never receive your Apple password, and we cannot access your Apple account.

You can learn more about data sharing with Apple when connecting to our service with Apple by referring to Apple's explanations here.

The data transmitted by Apple is stored and processed by us exclusively for creating a user account with the necessary data.

Categories of personal data:

● Profile data (basic data)

● Contact data

● Apple user ID and associated email address Legal basis: Article 6, paragraph 1(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Consent

Registration via Google Unified Access System

If you have an account with Google, you can use this account to log in to our service. Google accounts for European users are provided by Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland ("Google Ireland"), a subsidiary of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States.

You can log in or register on our website using your Google user data, using the button with the distinctive Google logo and the inscription "Continue with Google." Only if you give your explicit consent in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR before the registration process, based on a corresponding note regarding the data exchange with Google, will we receive your Google user ID, username, and email address. We will never receive your Google password, and we cannot access your Google account.

You can learn more about data sharing with Google when connecting to our service with Google by referring to Google's explanations here.

The data transmitted by Google is stored and processed by us exclusively for creating a user account with the necessary data.

Categories of personal data:

● Profile data (basic data)

● Contact data

● Google user ID and associated account data Legal basis: Article 6, paragraph 1(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Consent

Managing Your Profile

You can log in to your profile at any time and change your personal data, such as your name or phone number. To change your email address, you can contact us at [email protected]. You can also view your previous orders.

Categories of personal data:

● Profile data (basic data)

● Location data

● Device information and access data

● Order information

● Contact data

● Payment details Legal basis: Article 6, paragraph 1(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Performance of the contract

Processing Ticket Purchase

Once you successfully enter and decide to make your purchase, we will store this information in your profile and process it further to complete your purchase. When you submit your purchase, your personal data is transferred to our database and from there to other systems for further processing.

Categories of personal data:

● Contact details

● Location data

● Device information and access data Legal basis: Article 6, paragraph 1(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Performance of the contract

Temporary Memory

After logging into your profile and making your selection, tickets will be saved to your profile. If you accidentally close your browser or your application, you can continue from the last point of your purchase. The latest information is stored in a suitable storage space (e.g., cookies, etc.).

Categories of Personal Data:

● Profile data (basic data)

● Device information and access data

● Order information

Legal Basis: Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), legitimate interest. The legitimate interest is to offer you a better experience, where you can easily continue your purchase with closed browsing programs or applications.

Delivery Once you successfully enter your purchase, various processes are carried out to ensure that your purchase is delivered quickly. The following processing activities describe how and why your data is processed, as well as the corresponding processing purposes.

Calls from beego Staff If something has happened with your ticket, our staff has received instructions from us to call you to resolve the issue quickly and easily (to avoid any misunderstanding about whether the ticket purchase has been made or not).

Categories of Personal Data:

● Shipment information

Legal Basis:

● Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, contract performance for calls from distributors

● Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, legitimate interest when called by an event. Organizers have no claim regarding your personal data and cannot use it for their purposes.

Stored Payment Methods To make the ticket purchase process even easier for you, we suggest saving your preferred payment method. This means you don't need to enter your payment details the next time you make a purchase. Saving this data requires your prior consent.

Categories of Personal Data:

● Payment details

Legal Basis:

● Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, consent

Fraud Prevention and Platform Security To protect our users and our platform from possible attacks, we constantly monitor activities on our website. Various technical means are used to ensure that suspicious behaviors are detected and addressed in a timely manner.

Decision-Making Process The decision-making process is semi-automated and may have legal consequences for the individual or affect them in a similar way. If the semi-automated decision-making leads to a negative result for you and you disagree with it, you can contact us at [email protected].

Categories of Personal Data:

● Device information and access data

● Contact information

● Payment details

● Purchase information

● Coupon information

Legal Basis:

● Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, legitimate interest

Advertising and Direct Marketing

If you have provided us with your email address during registration and/or purchase of goods or services, we reserve the right to send you regular offers via email for similar goods or services you have already purchased.

Automated Decision-Making for Advertising

We use different information from the purchase history for targeted advertising communication.

If automated decision-making leads to a negative result for you, and you disagree with it, you can contact us at [email protected]. In this case, we will evaluate your case individually.

Categories of personal data: Communication data Location data Purchase information Legal basis: Data processing is exclusively based on our legitimate interest for personalized advertising according to Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation. If you have objected to the use of your email address for this purpose, we will not send you email messages. You have the right to object to the use of your email address for the aforementioned advertising purposes at any time and with future effect, either through every email we send you, or by informing us at [email protected]. In this case, the use of your email address for advertising purposes will be stopped immediately. User Surveys We are constantly striving to improve our services. Your constructive feedback is very important to us. Therefore, we will occasionally send you surveys and ask for your opinion. If you do not want to receive user surveys, you can opt-out at any time. In any survey request, you can click on the "unsubscribe" link at the end of the message, and we will not contact you again.

Categories of personal data:

Contact details Legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest is the purpose described above. In-App Notifications We want to inform you about new events or offers when you use our application. We always strive to offer you an amazing user experience. To achieve this, we negotiate very good deals with our partners, the organizers. To inform you about these offers, we will send you in-app or push notifications. To receive them, you need to have notifications enabled on your devices.

Categories of personal data:

Profile data (basic data) Location data Purchase information Legal basis: If processing is done with your consent, the legal basis is Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation, i.e., consent. Otherwise, processing is based on our legitimate interest according to Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Our legitimate interest lies in the aforementioned purpose. Online Marketing Our service relies heavily on informing potential users about the amazing experience we offer and showing them that every visit to our platform is worth it. For this reason, we are highly active in the field of online marketing. It is equally important to gain the trust of potential users and strengthen the trust of existing ones. Therefore, we would like to present our processes with as much transparency as possible.

Targeting Firstly, targeting involves activating and displaying advertisements on websites tailored to specific groups. Our goal is to display the most attractive personalized advertising messages for our current and future users. Initially, we define a group, and then we assign our service providers to display our advertisements to that specific group. We do not process personal data since it has initially been anonymized. To better define the groups that interest us, we categorize users and place different advertising messages on different websites.

Retargeting When you visit our website and enter a purchase into your shopping cart without completing it, we store this information in cookies. If you continue browsing on other websites, our advertising partners will remind you on our behalf that you have not yet completed your purchase. We do not want you to miss out on the amazing experience we can offer you. You can disable retargeting by installing the appropriate add-ons for your browser. Additionally, you can and should regularly delete cookies stored in the browser you are using.

Categories of personal data: Contact details

Legal Basis:

Article 6, paragraph 1 (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest is the purpose described above.


In order to make your visit to our website/application attractive and enable the use of certain functions, we use cookies on various pages. These are small text files stored in your browser. Some of the cookies we use are deleted at the end of the browser session, i.e., after closing the browsing program (session cookies). Others remain on your device and allow us to recognize your browser during your next visit (permanent cookies). You can configure your browser to inform you about cookie settings, or through the information box (cookies banner), or finally, through the cookie policy on our website, and decide individually whether to accept or reject them for specific cases or in general. Not accepting cookies may limit the functionality of our website.

Legal Basis:

If processing is carried out with your consent, the legal basis is Article 6, paragraph 1 (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation, i.e., your consent. Otherwise, processing is based on our legitimate interest according to Article 6, paragraph 1 (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Our legitimate interest lies in the aforementioned purpose. You can find our cookie policy here.


Participation in contests requires your consent. If you have already given your consent and wish to revoke it for the future, you can do so at any time by sending an email to [email protected]. In this case, you will be excluded from participating in contests, and you will not receive further invitations.

Categories of Personal Data: Contact Information

Legal Basis:

Article 6, paragraph 1 (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation, Consent.

User Experience Surveys: To measure the effectiveness of changes to our products and services, we regularly send surveys to our users to record your usage behavior and possible improvement opportunities.

Legal Basis:

Your participation in surveys requires your consent. If you have already given your consent and wish to revoke it for the future, you can do so at any time by sending an email to [email protected]. In this case, you will be excluded from participating in our surveys, and you will not receive further invitations.

Categories of Personal Data: Contact Information Purchase Information

Legal Basis:

Article 6, paragraph 1 (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation, Consent.


We frequently offer coupons as part of our services. The reasons may vary, but the purpose of these coupons is to reward our users and encourage them to continue enjoying the exceptional experience we offer.

Categories of Personal Data: Profile Data (basic data) Information about coupons

Legal Basis:

Article 6, paragraph 1 (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, Legitimate Interest. Our legitimate interest is the purpose described above.

Social Media Pages:

We have profiles on various social media platforms where we advertise our services and interact with our users. As we use these profiles on third-party platforms, each time you visit these social media channels, the platforms collect different personal data from you.


We and the respective operators of the social media platforms operate as joint controllers. When two or more controllers jointly determine the purposes and means of processing, they are designated as joint controllers.

Unique Exception:

The processing of data described below for usage analysis (Page Insights) is a joint responsibility with Facebook.

The following links will show you exactly what data is collected by the respective social media operators:

Facebook Privacy Policy

Instagram Privacy Policy

Data Processing For social media pages, Facebook provides administrators with statistics and information to help them understand the types of actions users perform on their pages ("Page Insights"). When you visit or interact with a page or its content, information may be collected and used, including but not limited to the following, to configure Page Information:

● Viewing a page or post or video from a page

● Following or unfollowing a page

● Liking or disliking a page or post

● Mentioning a page in a post or comment

● Commenting and reacting to a page post (including reaction type)

● Hiding a page post or reporting it as unwanted content

● Navigating from one Facebook page to another or from a site outside Facebook

● Hovering over the name or profile picture of a page to preview its content

● Selecting (clicking) a website, phone number, Get Directions button, or any other button on a page

● Using a computer or mobile device while visiting or interacting with a page or its content We and Facebook are jointly responsible for processing your data to provide information about the pages. Your Rights as a Data Subject For all data processing procedures on this website, we are solely responsible according to data protection regulations. For more information about your rights as a data subject on Facebook, refer to Facebook's Page-Inside Privacy Policy. Mergers & Acquisitions, Change of Ownership We would like to inform you that in the event of a merger or acquisition by another company, we will share information with that company. Of course, we will require the company to comply with data protection regulations. Categories of Personal Data:

● Contact information

● Shipping information

● Location data

● Profile data (basic data)

● Device information and access data

● Purchase information

● Communication data

● Payment information

● Coupon information Legal Basis: Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, Legitimate Interest Our legitimate interest is the purpose described above. Who We Work With and Share Your Data With We never provide your data to unauthorized third parties. However, as part of our work, we use services from data processing providers, giving them limited and strictly controlled access to some of our data. Before transferring personal data to these data processors on our behalf, each individual company undergoes an audit. All data recipients must meet legal requirements for data protection and demonstrate the level of data protection with appropriate technical and organizational measures. Service Providers We use different data processing providers for our daily processing activities. They process your personal data in accordance with the requirements of Article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation, only according to our instructions, and have no claims regarding them. We monitor data processors and only work with those that meet our high data protection requirements. Because we use different data processors that may change periodically, it is not possible to identify specific data recipients. However, if you are interested, we will share details of the current data processor(s) being used upon request. Third Parties In addition to data processors, we also work with third parties to whom we transfer your personal data, but they are not bound by our instructions. These may include our consultants, lawyers, or tax advisors who receive your data from us based on a contract and process this data for legal reasons or to protect our interests. Under no circumstances do we sell or rent your personal data to third parties. This will never happen without your explicit consent. Legal Authorities and Legal Proceedings

"Unfortunately, some of our users and service providers may behave unlawfully and wish to harm us. In these cases, we are not only obligated to disclose personal data based on legal obligations, but it is also in our interest to prevent damages, strengthen our claims, and reject unjustified demands.

Transfer of personal data to third countries We process your data mainly within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). However, some of our service providers or affiliated companies mentioned above are based outside the EEA, in so-called 'third countries.' The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets high requirements for transferring personal data to such third countries (outside the EU and EEA). All our data recipients must meet these requirements.

Before we transfer your data to a recipient in a third country, they are first evaluated for the level of personal data protection. Recipients are selected only if they can demonstrate an adequate level of data protection, even outside the EEA; they will be chosen as service providers. According to Article 44 of the GDPR, personal data can be transferred to service providers who meet at least one of the following conditions:

a. The European Commission has decided that the third country ensures an adequate level of protection (e.g., Israel and Canada). b. Standard contractual clauses (also called 'standard data protection clauses') have been incorporated into our contract with the data recipient (including any supplementary measures, if required). c. Further appropriate safeguards in accordance with Article 46 of the GDPR (for example, Binding Corporate Rules).

How long do we store your data In general, we delete your data after fulfilling the purpose for which it was collected. The exact deletion rules are defined in national data retention provisions. Different deletion rules apply depending on the purpose of processing. Through these deletion rules, we have defined various categories of data and classified them into deletion rule periods. Data collected is characterized by a deletion rule. After the end of the retention period, stored data will be deleted accordingly.

We will delete your personal data if you request it and inform us, or if your account remains inactive for three years. Before this happens, you will receive a separate notification from us at the email address associated with your account.

In addition to the deletion rules determined by us, there are other legal retention periods that we adhere to. For example, tax records must be kept for a period between six and ten years or even longer in certain cases. These specific retention periods vary according to national legal requirements.

Therefore, despite your request for data deletion, we may need to store some of the data due to legal requirements. In this case, however, we will limit your data from further processing.

Furthermore, we will continue to store your data if we have the right to do so according to Article 17(3) of the GDPR. This is particularly applicable if we need your personal data for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Right to modification We reserve the right to modify this data protection policy in accordance with legislative provisions. We will inform you of any significant changes, such as changes in purposes or the use of new processing purposes.

Last update: September 22, 2023"